Do you know how the website is created?
- Website design
web design is the way of creating the web page on what view you want to show case. There are alot of software which can be used for web design. Adobe Muse, Adobe dream weaver, Microsoft word, Microsoft Publisher etc are the Web designing software. Apart of them Blogger, Wordpress, Drupal Etc are the CMS which helps design website. If you want to create website with the original technique then you must know the following things.
a) HTMLIts abbreviation is Hyper Text Markup Language. It is the same thing which we have to read on school. I think you know it on better way. It is made of tags as <html><head><title>. The file you create html has the extension of .htm or .HTML.b) CSSIt abbreviation is Cascading style sheet. It basically contain the Design of html. You can consider as the skin of skeleton HTML. It gives the dynamic looks to the html. Its tag are basically done in two types. You can either put the tag internally or externally. If you want to create a style then you can make external file as .css and if you want to create the internal then you can put inside the<style> tag. The basic syntax of CSS is;h1{body:blue; font-size:10px;}c) Javascript
Javascript is a action of the HTML if CSS is the skin of it. When ever you need to put the action on your website like clicking the button, performing the calculation, programming or creating object then you must use the JavaScript. JavaScript is also two types as the CSS. Either you can create the external file as .JS extension or you can put the script with in the <script>.<script>document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = "Hello Dolly.";</script>It is very sensitive to the dot, semicolon, Character case etc. It require a detail knowledge of it to use in proper manner.
d) PHPIt abbreviation is Hypertext pre processor. PHP is a popular general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited to web development. It is much useful for the web application creation and development. All CMS are generally programmed with JavaScript and PHP along with Python. PHP is most useful for the web developer it is essential as tea leaf in tea. ASP is a alternative to the PHP. Facebook is created with PHP. General syntax for PHP is as follows;<?phpecho "My first PHP script!";?>If you want to get the alternative to them then you can use Java, JavaScript, Python, Ruby, C#,C++, Elixir and Rust. All are the Programming language which can be used as the PHP for the developmental. - Web HostingWeb Hosting is the storage place of the HTML file which are created by a person, CMS or software. Some CMS like Blogger, Tumbler or Wordpress, Wix, weebly have their own hosting which is not isolated. You can create the website with their own building tool, but if you have created with The CMS the then you need to storage the document somewhere which is web hosting. It need to be purchased. Basically there are some website which are selling areWebhosting. Like Bluehost, hostgator, Hostinger, Godaddy etc.There are some Website which are giving free hosting as well 000webhost and infinity free are the website which gives the limited storage for free. They are Freemium website which gives the service for your learning period.
- Web domainWeb Domain is the address of your website. If you have the website it should have a address to redirect people to the page direction. If you will go to the then you will be redirecting to my website then that is my domain. There are a lot of sub domain which you can get free in internet but for the Domain you MUST purchase.
BUT i can tell you a secret how to get domain for free. It is not a sub domain. just click here to know how it is done.
When all of above are combine together then a website is created. It is the basic knowledge of website design and development. Let me know if you are interested to learn it in detail so that i could produce more blog.
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