Showing posts with label software. Show all posts
Showing posts with label software. Show all posts

Install phpmyadmin

 Install phpmyadmin

$    sudo apt install phpmyadmin

$    mysql -u root -p

mysql> show databases;

mysql> create database database1;     "write any name instead of database1"

mysql> select user,host,plugin from mysql.user;

mysql> create user 'xxxx'@'localhost' identified by '*******(passwordkey)'

if you forgot to put password then use

ALTER USER xxx@localhost identified by '****';

mysql> grant all privileges on *.* to 'xxxx'@'localhost';

mysql> update user set plugin="auth_socket" where User='xxxx';

mysql> flush privileges;



AnyDesk is a remote desktop application distributed by AnyDesk Software GmbH. The proprietary software program provides platform independent remote access to personal computers and other devices running the host application. It offers remote control, file transfer, and VPN functionality.

It is very useful when we have to use computer which is in remote access. While Troubleshooting the problem or any purpose like teaching, monitoring or using computer when we are far from it this software is useful. There are lot of alternative for anydesk. It is free personal and proprietary software. Currently it is available for Mac, windows, linux, android, iphone chrome OS, BSD and raspberry pi.

Some Features of AnydeskSome Alternative of Anydesk
  • Unaddented Access
  • Light weight
  • Low Latency
  • No Installation required
  • Integrated File sharing
  • Screen sharing
  • Support Aliases
  • Remote Support
  • Quick Connection
  • Protable
  • Teamviewer
  • Windows Remote Desktop
  • UltraVNC (Opensource)
  • Chrome Remote Desktop
  • DWService
  • RustDesk(Opensource)
  • MeshCentral(Opensource)
  • TightVNC(Opensource
  • X2GO(Opensource)
  • Parsec

Why Anydesk?

Unattended Access
We can use anydesk remotely by entering the Anydesk address and to use it someone need to be other side to accept the remote service permission but we can set the unattended access and create password so that we can permit it with password. To enable it just we need to follow following steps.

  • Click on Setting>Set Password> Enter Administrator Password press "YES" on Promt of permission
  • Set Password and press save.
Now you can Access it remotely using the Anydesk address and insert Password and Enjoy

It is another function that allow us to change the anydesk Address Numeric to alpabetic. i.e. Creating Aliases we can create a userID similar Address. Eg. xxxx@ad will be the address of anydesk.

To create Aliase just follow this steps
Click to Settings> Go to Aliase > Set new Aliase


When you are accessing the computer remotely then sometime you need to press ctrl+alt+del. At that time you will realise the using keyboard it will run your task manager instead of remote computer so for that you need to press on the given point.

On the right top corner with the 'Shock ' Sign press on Action tab and Click Ctrl+Alt+Del.

This will enable you to take action.

Its very easy to use.

Android on Virtual Box

Installing android on PC is really helpful on some case when you are testing app or any reason you want to run the app. If you need more than one device along with the device you have on your hand is create a virtual device. It would be the best way to run the app.

To solve this problem you can create a virtual device on your pc using the virtual box. You can download the android x86 os on your pc or virtual box to make this happen.

Just follow the few steps to create it.
  1. Download the Disk image from THIS LINK. this will take you to the  URL
  2. Then Download the Virtual Box using THIS LINK or
  3. Then Create a Virtual Machine using Followings:
    Name: Android (anything you wish)
    Machine Folder: (Leave default)
    Type: Linux
    Version: Other 64-bit
  4. Then Link the image file on the machine as you start

  5. Give put desirable amount of RAM. I think 4096 MB is enough for 4GB.
  6. Create a virtual Hard Disk
  7. Then Choose the Hard Disk File type as VDI (Virtual Box Disk Image)

  8. Storage on physical hard disk 'Dynamically allocated'
  9. File location and size around 32 GB
Now the time has come to run the Virtual device,

Go to settings and adjust the followings,
    • Motherboard
      • Pointing Device> PS/2 Mouse
    • Processor
      • Processor(s) : 4
    • Screen
      • Video Memory: 128 MB
      • Graphics Controller: VBoxVGA
      • Acceleration: Tik the Enable 3D acceleration
Then Click OK and save it.

Next, Load the Downloaded iso file and run the machine.
As the machine runs the Go to Advance Option.
> Advance Option
    >Auto _Installation-Auto Install to specified Hard disk 
        >Auto Installer Option (YES)
            >Run Android-X86

If you have a fucing Fate then a black screen with console# may appear or it will stuck then you need to close the virtual box and Power off the machine.

Start the Machine again and Go to Advance Option and Boot from the Local drive.

    >Hovering the first option press 'e'
then replace this line 
grub edit> kernel /android-9.0-r2.kernel force root=/de/ram0 S><dev/ram0 SRC=/android-9.0-r2
grub edit> kernel /android-9.0-r2.kernel nomdeset xforcevesa root=/de/ram0 S><dev/ram0 SRC=/android-9.0-r2

Then press enter and press 'b'

Now your machine is ready to run.

How to use photoshop

 Adobe Photoshop is popular photo editing tool which is widely used for various purpose. It is used on Home, school, studio, small business, marketing etc. There is rare field where Photoshop is used. Adobe Photoshop is Commercial software and the knowledge of its is really essential for present scenario. In comparison of other tools it is really easy and interesting software. Here i have presented a short introduction about the Photoshop. (Currently Available in Nepali language)

I hope that i will get feedback after watching this video;

Windows software on linux


I had a lot of review regarding to the Linux and Windows software. When ever people install Linux then they often look for the Windows software. Most of Free software which are available might be available to the windows platform only, But do not worry i have a best way to deal with it. Most of people wish to have an emulator for exe. When ever they want to use the Windows Software.

WINE (Wine is not Emulator)

Wine is the platform which create the environment on Linux to run the windows software. It Runs windows software as the Linux software and don't make you to feel you are using the external software or emulator. There are two way to install Wine. Either you Choose the GUI process of CUI process it depend on you. If you want to install Through GUI

just go to Software manager>Type wine> Select Wine-stable>Make it install.

Wine will be installed in /opt/wine-stable/ directory. After the installation is complete, we need to add /opt/wine-stable/bin/ to the user PATH. Run the following command to open the .profile file. Nano is a command line text editor. The ~ (tilde) represents your home directory.

nano ~/.profile
Press Ctrl+W, then Ctrl+V to move the cursor to the bottom. Add the following line at the end of the file.
export PATH="$PATH:/opt/wine-stable/bin"

To save the file, press Ctrl+O, then press Enter to confirm. To exit the file, press Ctrl+X. After that, log out and log back in for changes in .profile to take effect.

Now Lets go to the CUI style.

Open the terminal or press Ctrl+Alt+T.
Click command "uname -p" to check if you have a 32 bit or 64 bit system. If it is 32-bit then x86 will appear and x86_64 for 64 bit.
If your system is 64 bit, enable 32 bit architecture with the following command.
 sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386

sudo mkdir -pm755 /etc/apt/keyrings
sudo wget -O /etc/apt/keyrings/winehq-archive.key

Next, run the following command to download the public key for the Wine repository.
sudo wget -NP /etc/apt/sources.list.d/

Now import this key to the system keyring 
sudo apt-key add winehq.key

Then, issue the following command to add Wine repository.
 sudo apt-add-repository 'deb bionic main'

Update package repository cache and install Wine stable version. 
sudo apt update 

sudo apt install --install-recommends winehq-stable

When Wine is installed then just type 

It will create a .wine directory, also known as wine prefix or wine bottle, under you home directory. The virtual C drive will be created in this directory. Also this command will help you install Wine mono and Wine gecko package. Now download any Exe file and run it with wine. Just right click on the .exe then "open with wine windows program loader" will appear. You can run any windows software.

Purge Wine from Ubuntu

To purge Wine from Ubuntu, start by opening up a terminal window. You can do this by pressing Ctrl + Alt + T on the keyboard. Or, search for “Terminal” in the app menu.

Once the terminal window is open, start by deleting the Wine folder in your home directory using the rm command.
rm -rf ~/.wine

After deleting this folder, uninstall all Wine packages. Be sure to use the –purge command-line switch to erase any configuration files that Wine has on Ubuntu. 

sudo apt-get remove wine* --purge

When the installation is complete, you’ll also have to run the autoremove command to eliminate any leftover Wine packages that might still be there on the system.
sudo apt-get autoremove -y 

Adobe software, FREE!


Probably everyone are known with adobe photoshop and other adobe software. They are very easy and user friendly software and on the prescommercial software which must be purchased after the trial period. If you are skilled to use those softwares like Adobe photoshopAdobe after effectsAdobe flash, Adobe premierAdobe indesign and looking to use those software for FREE then i have a good new to you.
ent time it is covering all the area of software use. They produce the

I had found a lot of opensource Software which can be used as the best alternatives of those software. Just download it free of cost and get your work done.

  1. Adobe Photoshop-GIMP
    Gimp is the best alternatives for Adobe photoshop editor used for image retouching and editing, free-form drawing, converting between different image formats, and more specialized tasks. Basically if you are known to work with layers and Photoshop tools you can adapt that software easily.
  2. Adobe Illustrator-Inkscape
    An Open Source vector graphics editor, with capabilities similar and best alternative to Illustrator, CorelDraw, or Xara X, using the W3C standard Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) file format.
  3. Adobe Premier -Kdenlive
    Kdenlive is video editing software based on the MLT Framework, KDE and Qt. It is easy to use and even starting level user can learn easily. It is Libre video editor. Most of Libre software is completely free.
  4.  Adobe aftereffects-Natron
    Natron is an Free, cross platform nodal compositing application similar to Blackmagic Fusion. It is built around industry standard open source tech such as OpenFX, OpenEXR, OpenColorIO and OpenImageIO. The feature set includes realtime playback/RAM cache, multi-threaded rendering, 2d tracking, rotoscoping, grading, animation via f-curves and 3rd party OpenFX plugin support.
  5. Adobe Flash-Synfig Studio
    Synfig Studio is a free and open-source 2D animation software for windows, linux and Mac, designed as powerful industrial-strength solution for creating film-quality animation using a vector and bitmap artwork.
  6. Adobe Dreamweaver-Brackets
    Brackets is an open-source editor for web design and development built on top of web technologies such as HTML, CSS and JavaScript. The project was created and is maintained by Adobe, and is released under an MIT License.

  7. Adobe Audition- Audacity
    Audacity is a free and open-source digital audio editor and recording application software, available for Windows, macOS/OS X and Unix-like operating systems.
These software are running under linux, mac and windows platform and these are easy to use as well. Remember if you are using the opensource software then you need to compromise with yourself because if you are not enough flexible then you have to pay. Struggle may not, but comfort always costs.