Solved Question
- PDA operating System is single user single task.
- Keystroke or mouse click is event.
- Spooler is a program i.e. Coordinate the print job.
- The ability of an Os to control activity of multiple program at the same time is multi tasking.
- Autoexec.bat is to define permanent path.
- Mac Os is based on Unix Os.
- BIOS reside on Rom.
- When we start computer the boot.
- Part of POST operation is ensure that the test of essential peripheral device coincide with hardware configuration that are started on CMOS.
- Software transform one interface into other.
- Two level implementation is used in operating system to separate mechanism policy.
- Swapping allow each program in term to use the memory.
- Page stealing is taking page from other working set.
- Co-Processor is relatively easy to support in software.
- Memory resident portion of OS is Kernel.
- Any amount of RAM can be used /allocated on virtual memory.
- Only Keyboard/Mouse driver is loaded on safe mode.
- Dos use file 16, Windows 95 use file 32 and windows xp use NTFS file allocation table.
- Entire path name consisting of several sub directories name can contain up to 63 Characters.
- An operating System version designed for use with a mediacenter is TABLET PC EDITION.
- System menu contain command associated with the my computer windows.
- The source drive is drive containing the file to copied.
- FONT folder is located on Windows folder.
- To display system boot menu press F8.
- Batch file is used to record Program.
- Dir/ah is to display hidden file.
- To set path config.sys
- undelete/list is to list out deleted file in DOS.
- To create directory on root. FORMAT.
- File means hotkey.
- Taskbar appear in the initial windows startup display.
- Sys is for coping system file.
- The separation between file name and extension is called period.
- Disk label name can be up to 11 character.
- A program in a group of program manager is 40.
- Work group means computer in a network.
- Alt+Enter= Properties
- Switch between windows is Alt+Tab.
- The operating feature that integrates the file created in different appreciation in to web page in web integration.
- First operating system was developed on 1950.
- MS windows was developed on 1985.
- Conventional memory is the memory allocated for DOS.
- Default prompt of CMD is $p$g.
- The break checking command is crtl+c
- SYS transfer system file to disk.
- More(|)
- Hidden file → dir/ah, Date format MDY
- rename file → Ren, Rename, Move.
- System maintenance program that fix the registry program is registry Checker.
- 2-7 keystroke can be used for file name i.e. @#$%^&.
- Himem.sys it is a device driver configuration which extend memory and high memory access.(HMA)
- The Emm386. Exe enable the user to load device driver and perform into upper memory area while working DOS in 386.
- 127 character can be entered in single command line.
- /P is for full contents of disk at a time.
- Renaming Ren *.doc *.txt for all text
- Content Addressable memory. (CAM)
It is also known as associative memory in which the user supplies data word and associative memory search its memory and if the data word is for search its memory and the data word is found it returns the list of address where that data word was located. - The datum that indicates some important state in the content of input out is sentinel.
- The system programming language for microprocessor in Intel family is PL/M.
- In 1830 Charles Babbage designed a machine called analytical engine which he showed .
- First firm to mass market a microcomputer as a personal computer was Radio Shack.
- IBM 7000 digital computer was modular construction.
- Aging is a technique of improving the priority of processing waiting in queue for CPU allocation.
- AX3/33 is new color laptop computer which is powered by a 386 processor at 33 MHZ and built by Epson.
- Capacitance keyboard uses circuit that senses the movement by the change in its capacitor.
- Which computer means 1980.
- The loader address for the first word of program is called load address origin.
- Symbolic name can be associated with data or instruction.
- The translator which perform expansion is called a macro pre processor.
- Shell is the exclusive feature of UNIX.
- Interval between the time of submission and completion of the job is called Turn around time.
- The Scheduler which select process from secondary storage device is called medium term scheduler.
- Page traffic describes the movement of page in and out of memory.
- Turn around time means time taken to execute the job.
- Detail of data structure can be used as criterion for the classification of data structure used in a language processor.
- Memory utilization factor shall be computed as the memory use/ total memory connected.
- The program preemption is force de allocation of CPU from a program which is executing on CPU.
- Assembler is a machine Dependent.
- Fundamental process state → Ready , Executing & Terminate.
- LRU → Least recently used.
- Block Cipher & Stem Cipher are encryption Technique.
- Program generation → Automatic generation of program.
- Reliability is not available of distributed system.
- Blocking factor means number of logical records per Physical record.
- Process precedence → Process name, Sequence operator & Concurrency operator.
- FORK <Label> fork and join primitation.
- Nested Macro Call→ Last in first out.(LIFO)
- A parser which is a variant of top down parsing without backtracking is Recursive descend.
- In Two pass assembler, the task of Pass II is to synthesize the target program.
- Linker→ Link the program with other needed for its execution.
- Time Shared OS schedule in Round Robin.
- Critical Section → Where shared resources are accessed.
- Locality of reference implies that the page reference being made by process is likely to be the page used in the last few page reference.
- Syntax for Assembler is <Symbol> EQU<Address space>
- Macro :
-Prototype Statement
-One or more Model Statement
-Macro pre – processor. - A UNIX device driver is structured into two half called top half and bottom half.
- I/O management system is physical I/O , Logical I/O and File system.
- Page replacement Policy:
-LRU policy
-FIFO Policy
- Optional Page replacement Policy - TII→ Table for incomplete instruction.
- Proxy server Provide Security against unauthorized access.
- Repeater is Layer 1 device.