Learning is a continuous process and it never finish till our life end. A lot of things we learn in our day to day living and we apply it on our upcoming days ahead. Sometime we need to learn a lot of things which have direct relation to our work, profession, business and self development. Elon musk, The futuristic, successful business magnet had quote once " I think collage is basically for the fun and to prove you can do your chores, but they are not for learning. You can learn anything for free."
Alison is web based learning platform which generally covers thousand of courses for free. You don't have to pay anything to learn from here. This is the best platform i do feel for learning. Alison Provides you the Learning verification, Certificates and track you for your learning's as well. It basically provide the survey and helps you to develop where you lack to be perfect. There are several courses that makes us perfect on a lot of field providing the lecture, assessment and final assessment. Main Feature of Alison Are:
i> Free to learn with video lectures.
ii> Daily learning calendar and dashboard
iii> Earn Medal on learning what makes you motivate
iv> Learner verification and Certificate after you finish courses
v> CV builder and integrated to social media to post your training and certificates
Cisco Networking academy is one of the best Online learning platform which provide the learning environment about the technology. Basically it covers study of Networking, OS & IT, Programming, Things of internet, cyber security etc. Most of people thinks they don't need to learn about the IT if they belongs from any particular profession, but learning basic about IT is really essential now a days. There is no harm on learning about IT.
Facebook Blue print is the learning platform about the Facebook and its feature. It basically teaches how we can use Facebook professionally for the business and promotion. If you have any small business or a bigger one, Then you must learn it. It basically teach you how you can use the group, Facebook for business etc. It provide the essential knowledge of Facebook ads, messenger, Instagram, whatsapp, oculus and its applications.
Google digital garage is training provided by google about the google ads and marketing strategies. Its provide the video training and assignment and the free certification.
It is also similar to the google Digital Garage and provide the certificate for the course of completion. It is easy to understand and covers the basic essential information about the marketing, use of google and search engine and its application.
Google skill shop is the online learning platform and it provide the certification of completion. It helps to learn how to use google adsense, adword, youtube, google analytics, google admob etc. When you move ahead then you will start to earn . Most of the courses provide the certification.
It is the training provided by HP(
). It is one of the best e learning platform that provide the knowledge of communication, innovation, finance, marketing and operation. When ever you finish the course it provide you a certificate of completion. If you are new on the computer learning, You must try it.It is the learning platform provided by twitter. Like a facebook twitter also have its own analytics, business process, applications etc. It helps you to use twitter in professional way. For the small and both we can use the twitter as the business support. It provide the free certification.
W3schools is the best platform to learn Programming. It covers all the programming langauge and provide a online testing for codes. It is the best place where most of all programmers like to take help. W3schools is open learning place for the web designer, software developer, database and front end back end workers. If you are interested in programming then you could visit here. It provide the Paid certification as well.